green point


You can make a positive impact with the products you choose to offer to your customer. Use our Impact Tool to compare products and help you select more sustainable products.

What makes one product more sustainable than the other?

Is it the material, the recyclability, the branding, the certification, the packaging? All these elements are relevant.

So we identified 8 different elements. We gave each element a weighted score, and scored all our products to determine their sustainable level.

We call this our Impact Tool. The total score is translated into Green Points.

So what are the 8 elements?



of origin

Environmental certifications




supply chain

All scores together will give a total score between 0 and 98 points per product.

All products with a score of 25 and up are part of our Green Concept.

This is not a tool just for scoring. It is an improvement tool. It teaches how to improve the sustainable level of all products by improving on each of the 8 parameters.

This tool will help us grow our sustainable offering and it will give our customers more choices in sustainable products to offer to their customers, helping them to reach their targets.

The Green Points will show the level of sustainability for each product. It will also show the year-to-year improvement and growth of our sustainable offering.