3D Logo Tool

We at PF Concept are very proud to announce a new functionality of our logo tool: create a 3D model of the product including the uploaded logo. Read here how it works!

Upload a logo and click on the ‘3D preview’ button

Download your design as an image/file

By downloading the design as an image/file you can add it to PowerPoint, for example.

Download as a URL

If you click on ‘share’ you can create a URL of the design and send this to your end customer (via email and whatsapp). The URL is neutral and does not refer back to PF and it also works perfectly on mobile devices.

Logo Tool

End Result

Dowload as a URL

If you click on ‘share’ you can create a URL of the design and send this to your end customer (via email and whatsapp). The URL is neutral and does not refer back to PF and it also works perfectly on mobile devices.

Logo Tool

End Result